Course guide of Political Systems in the Maghreb (21211F1)

Curso 2024/2025
Approval date: 19/06/2024

Grado (bachelor's degree)

Bachelor'S Degree in Political Science and Public Administration


Social and Legal Sciences


Magreb y Oriente Próximo


Sistemas Políticos del Magreb

Year of study




ECTS Credits


Course type

Elective course

Teaching staff


  • María Teresa González Santos. Grupo: A
  • José Carlos Hernández Gutiérrez. Grupo: A
  • Alvaro López Osuna. Grupo: A
  • Guadalupe Martínez Fuentes. Grupo: B
  • Raquel Ojeda García. Grupo: B

Timetable for tutorials

María Teresa González Santos

  • Wednesday de 16:00 a 19:00 (Despacho 7 - Planta 2)
  • Thursday de 10:00 a 13:00 (Despacho 7 - Planta 2)

José Carlos Hernández Gutiérrez

  • First semester
    • Monday de 11:00 a 14:00 (Despacho Fpu 4 - Planta 1)
    • Tuesday de 11:00 a 14:00 (Despacho Fpu 4 - Planta 1)
  • Second semester
    • Monday de 11:00 a 14:00 (Despacho Fpu 4 - Planta 1)
    • Tuesday de 11:00 a 14:00 (Despacho Fpu 4 - Planta 1)

Alvaro López Osuna

  • First semester
    • Tuesday de 11:00 a 16:00 (Despacho 7 - Piso 2)
    • Friday de 15:00 a 16:00 (Despacho 7 - Piso 2)
  • Second semester
    • Friday de 15:00 a 21:00 (Despacho 7 - Piso 2)

Guadalupe Martínez Fuentes

  • First semester
    • Tuesday de 09:00 a 15:00 (Despacho Decanato - Planta 1)
  • Second semester
    • Tuesday de 09:00 a 15:00 (Despacho Decanato - Planta 1)

Raquel Ojeda García

  • First semester
    • Monday de 16:00 a 18:00 (Despacho 16 - Planta 3)
    • Tuesday
      • 11:00 a 14:00 (Despacho 16 - Planta 3)
      • 20:00 a 21:00 (Despacho 16 - Planta 3)
  • Second semester
    • Tuesday de 11:30 a 14:30 (Despacho 16 - Planta 3)
    • Wednesday de 17:30 a 20:30 (Despacho 16 - Planta 3)

Prerequisites of recommendations

A satisfactory level of competence in English is highly recommended to get the most from lectures, seminars, debates and readings.

Brief description of content (According to official validation report)

This course offers an explanation of both the evolution of the political regimes in the region (Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya) and their evolving relations with the European Union and the USA.

Additional Info: The students will be provided with a teaching guide at the beginning of the course with further information about learning outcomes, syllabus, recommended readings, other learning resources, planned teaching activities and form of assessment.

General and specific competences

General competences

  • CG01. Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
  • CG02. Organizational and planning skills.
  • CG03. -
  • CG04. Development of computer skills related to the field of study.
  • CG05. Information management skills.
  • CG06. Problem solving skills.
  • CG08. Ability to work in a team.
  • CG09. Interpersonal relationship skills.
  • CG10. Recognition of diversity and multiculturalism.
  • CG11. Critical thinking skills. 
  • CG12. Development of autonomous learning. 
  • CG13. Adaptation to new situations. 
  • CG14. Ability to develop creative activities. 
  • CG16. Knowledge of other cultures and customs. 
  • CG18. Motivation for quality. 
  • CG19. Development of the ability to carry out a process well based on guidelines. 

Specific competences

  • CE02. Describe, explain and analyze the structure and functioning of political systems. 
  • CE03. Describe, explain and analyze the structure and functioning of political institutions. 
  • CE04. Analyze the behavior of political actors and citizens. 
  • CE09. Analyze the economic environment and evaluate public financing. 
  • CE11. Analyze international and European Union policy. 
  • CE15. Use information and communication technologies and analyze their impact on the political system. 
  • CE16. Be interested in current theoretical and methodological debates on the need to move towards more pluralistic, integrative and comprehensive approaches in Political Science and Administration. 
  • CE17. To acquire a critical and analytical attitude towards political events. 
  • CE18. To appreciate the importance of collaborating, participating and getting involved in the analysis of political processes, actors and institutions, as a guideline for the improvement of decision making. 
  • CE19. To foster an open, flexible and understanding attitude towards the complex, dynamic, social and ideological nature of politics and public administrations. 

Objectives (Expressed as expected learning outcomes)

  1. Identification of national and international dimensions in the Tunsian, Libyan , Moroccan, Algerian and Mauritanian political processes.
  2. Identification of political, economic, social, religious and geopolitical dimensions in the Tunsian, Libyan , Moroccan, Algerian and Mauritanian political processes.
  3. Identification of political, economic, social and religious dimensions in the Tunsian, Libyan , Moroccan, Algerian and Mauritanian political processes Que el estudiante conozca e interprete las dinámicas regionales y la dimensión política internacional del Magreb
  4. Identificación of regimes, regime changes and changes within the regime in the Tunsian, Libyan , Moroccan, Algerian and Mauritanian political processes.

Detailed syllabus


First Term

  1. Moroccan political system, actors, politics and policies
  2. Mauritania political system, actors, politics and policies
  3. Algerian political system, actors, politics and policies

Second Term

  1. Tunisian political system, actors, politics and policies
  2. Libyan political system, actors, policies and policies


Electoral process analysis

TED talk

Rol play

Press Review

Reaction Paper


Basic reading list


Alexis Arieff (2011) “U.S.-Tunisian Relations”, in Political Transition in Tunisia, Congressional Research Services, pp.19-25.

Brieg Tomos Powel (2008) From Democracy to Stability: European Union Democracy Promotion in Tunisia 1995-2007, pp. 186-213:

Issandr El Amrani (2012), “The US Response to the Arab Uprising: Part of the Problem?”, in Riccardo Alcaro and Miguel Haubrich-Seco (eds) Re-thinking Western Policies in Light of the Arab Uprising:

Silvia Colombo and Nathalie Tocci (2012), “The EU Response to the Arab Uprising; Old Wine in New Bottles?”, in Riccardo Alcaro and Miguel Haubrich-Seco (eds) Re-thinking Western Policies in Light of the Arab Uprising:

Cecil, Charles O. (1965) “The Determinants of Libyan Foreign Policy”, Middle East Journal, 19 (1).


George Joffé & Emanuela Paoletti (2011) “The foreign policy process in Libya”, The Journal of North African Studies, 16 (2): 183-213

Mikah Zenko (2016) “The Big Lie About the Libyan War”, Foreing policy.

Alan Kuperman (2013) “Lessons from Libya: How Not to Intervene”, Quarterly Journal: International Security,

Shadi Hamid (2016) “Everyone says the Libya intervention as a failure. The’re wrong”, Brookings.


•ALLAN, Joanna. 2016. "Natural Resources and Intifada: Oil, Phosphates and Resistance to Colonialism in Western Sahara." Journal of North African Studies 21 (4):1-22.

•Allan, Joanna; Ojeda-García, Raquel. 2021. “Natural resource exploitation in Western Sahara: new research directions”. The Journal of North African Studies, DOI: 10.1080/13629387.2021.1917120

•SAUL, Ben. 2015. "The Status of Western Sahara as Occupied Territory under International Humanitarian Law and the Exploitation of Natural Resources." Global Change, Peace and Security 27 (3):301-322.


FAKIR, Intissa, O’KEEFE, Abby (2020). “Can Mauritania Protect its Political Stability?”. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

•OJEDA-GARCÍA, Raquel, LÓPEZ-RUÍZ, Samara (2019), “Mauritania: ¿el fin de la era Abdelaziz?” Afkar/Ideas. Verano 2019: 43-46.


•GHANEM, Dalia (2020). The country’s leaders are seeking to put an end to the popular protest movement, but it’s just not working.

•VOLPIE, Frédéric (2006). “Algeria's pseudo-democratic politics: Lessons for democratization in the Middle East”. Democratization, 13(3): 442-455.

•ABDERAHMANE, Yacine (2020). “Identity belonging and Constitutional reform in Algeria: Reconciliating Ideologies for a Peaceful Transition”. Arab Reform Initiative.

Complementary reading

ALVAREZ-OSSORIO, Ignacio (Ed.): Sociedad civil y contestación en Oriente Medio y Norte de Africa, Barcelona, CIDOB, 2013. CPS/297 ALV soc.

ALVAREZ-OSSORIO, Ignacio (Ed.): La primavera árabe revisitada. Reconfiguración del autoritarismo y recomposición del islamismo, Navarra, Thomson Reuters, Aranzadi, 2015.CPS/297 ALV pri

ÁLVAREZ-OSSORIO, Ignacio, BARREÑADA, Isaías y MIJARES, Laura (Eds.): Movilizaciones populares tras las Primaveras Árabes (2011-2021), Madrid, La Catarata, 2021. CPS/956 ALV mov.

AMOUR, Philipp O. (Ed.) : The Regional Order in the Gulf Region and the Middle East, Nueva York Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. Pedido a Biblioteca 8-VII-2020

AZAOLA, Bárbara, DESRUES, Thierry, De LARRAMENDI, Miguel Hernando, PLANET, Ana y RAMÍREZ, Ángeles (Eds): Cambio, crisis y movilizaciones en el Mediterráneo Occidental, Granada, Comares, 2022. CPS/926.21 AZA cam.

CAMAU, Michel (Dir.): Changements politiques au Maghreb (Extrait de l'Annuaire de L'Afrique du Nord), París, Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifi¬que, 1991. CPS/323.1 CHA cha.

CAMAU, Michel y VAIREL, Frédéric (S.d,): Soulèvements et recompositions politiques dans le monde arabe, Montreal, les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, 2014. CPS 323.2 CAM sou.

DE LARRAMENDI, Miguel Hernando y LOPEZ GARCIA, Bernabé (Coor.): Sistemas políticos del Magreb actual, Madrid, Mapfre, 1996. CPS/321 SIS sis.

DE LARRAMENDI, Miguel Hernando y MAÑE ESTRADA, Aurelia (Eds.): La política exterior española hacia el Magreb: actores e intereses, Madrid, Ariel, 2009. CPS/961 HER.

DESRUES, Thierry y MOYANO, Eduardo (Coord.): Cambio, gobernabilidad y crisis en el Magreb, Córdoba, CSIC, 1997. CPS/61 CAM cam.

FLORENSA, Senén (Dir.): The Arab spring in comparative perspective. Barcelona, IEMed, 2015. CPS/297 FLO ara

GONZÁLEZ DEL MIÑO, Paloma, Tres años de revoluciones árabes, Madrid, La Catarata, 2014. FLA/HCO/297 TRE tre

GONZÁLEZ DEL MIÑO, Paloma (Ed.) La Primavera Arabe ¿una ®evolución regional?, Madrid, Universidad Complutense, 2013.

GUTIÉRREZ DE TERÁN GÓMEZ-BENITA, Ignacio, Las revoluciones árabes. Relato de un proceso en desarrollo, Madrid, Editorial Síntesis, 2017.

IZQUIERDO BRICHS, Ferran (Ed.): Poder y regímenes en Mundo Árabe contemporáneo, Barcelona, CIDOB, Barcelona, 2009. CPS/297 IZQ pod.

IZQUIERDO BRICHS, Ferran (Coord.); Islam político en el Mediterráneo: transformaciones y adaptación en un contexto cambiante, Revista CIDOB d’Affers Intenationals, nº 93-94, 2011.


IZQUIERDO BRICHS, Ferran (ed.): Political Regimes in the Arab Worl, Oxon y Nueva York, Routledge, 2013.CPS/297 IZQ pol.

IZQUIERDO BRICHS, Ferran (ed.), Islam político en el Mediterráneo. Radiografía de una evolución, Barcelona, Fundació CIDOB/Bellatera, 2013.

KHADER, Bichara: Europa por el Mediterráneo: de Barcelona a Barcelona (1995-2009), Barcelona,

Icaria, 2009. Centro Doc. Europea CDC/CDE.

LACOMBA, Joan: Emergencia del islamismo en el Magreb: las raíces sociopolíticas de los movimientos islamistas, Madrid, Los Libros de la Catarata, 2000. CPS/961LAC eme

LAMCHICHI, Abderrahim: Islam et contestation au Maghreb, París, L’Harmattan, 1989. CPS/297 LAM isl.

LEVEAU, Rémy: Le sabre et le turban. L’avenir du Maghreb, París, François Bourin, 1997. CPS/961 LEV sab.

LOPEZ GARCIA, Bernabé: El mundo arabo-islámico contemporáneo, Madrid, Síntesis, 1997. CPS/61 LOP mun.

MARTÍN, Gema: El Estado árabe. Crisis de legitimidad y contestación islamista, Barcleona, Bellaterra, 1999. CPS/297 MAR est.

MONTABES PEREIRA, Juan: Las otras elecciones. Los procesos y los sistemas electorales en el Magreb, Madrid, MAE, ICMA, 1999. CPS/961 MON otras.

OJEDA, Raquel, VEGUILLA, Victoria y FERNANDEZ, Irene (Coords.): Global, Regional and Local Dimensions of the Western Sahara’s Protracted Decolonization. When a Conflict Gets Old, Nueva York, Palgrave, 2017. CPS/964 OJE glo.

PAREJO FERNANDEZ, María Angustias (Coord.): Entre el autoritarismo y la democracia. Los procesos electorales en el Magreb, Barcelona, Bellaterra, 2010. CPS/961 PAR ent.

PEREZ BELTRAN, Carmelo y RUIZ ALMODOVAR, Caridad (Coord.): El Magreb. Coordenadas socioculturales. Granada, Grupo de Investigación Estudios Arabes Contemporá¬neos. Universidad de Granada, 1995. CPS/964 MAG mag.

PICARD, Élizabeth (S.d.): La politique dans le monde arabe, París, Armand Colin, 2006. CPS/ 961 PIC pol.

PRENANT, André y BOUZIANE, Semmoud: Magreb y Oriente Medio: espacios y sociedades, Granaada, Universidad de Granada, 2006. CPS/961 Pre mag

POSUSNEY, Marsha Pripstein y ANGRIST, Michele Penner: Authoritarianism in the Midlle East: regimes and resistence, Lynne Rienner Publishers. Boulder, Londres, 2005. CPS/956 AUT ant.

ROMANET PERROUX, Jean-Louis: “The Deep Roots of Libya’s Security Fragmentation”, Middle Eastern Studies, 2019, 55:2, 200-224.

SEGURA I MAS, Antoni: El Magreb, del colonialismo al islamismo. Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona, 1994. CPS/964 SEG mag.

SZMOLKA, Inmaculada (Ed.): Political Change in Middle East and North Africa. After the Arab Spring, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2017. CPS 297 SZM pol

TROIN, Jean François, BISON, Jean (S.D.): Le Grand Maghreb, París, Armand Colin, 2006. CPS 961 TRO gra.

VOLPI, Fréderic : Revolution and Autoritarianism in North Africa, Londres, Hurst &Company, 2017. CPS 961 VOL rev

ZOUBIR, Yahia y AMIRAH FERNANDEZ, Haizam (Coords): El Magreb. Realidades nacionales y dinámicas regionales. Editorial Síntesis, Madrid, 2008.CPS/961 ZOU mag.

ZOUBIR, Yahia y AMIRAH FERNANDEZ, Haizam (Eds.): North Africa: politics, region and the limits of transformation, Londres, Routledge, 2008. CPS/961 ZOU nor.

Teaching methods

  • MD01. Lección magistral/expositiva 
  • MD02. Sesiones de discusión y debate 
  • MD03. Resolución de problemas y estudio de casos prácticos 
  • MD05. Prácticas de campo 
  • MD06. Prácticas en sala de informática 
  • MD07. Seminarios 
  • MD08. Ejercicios de simulación 
  • MD09. Análisis de fuentes y documentos 
  • MD10. Realización de trabajos en grupo 
  • MD11. Realización de trabajos individuales 

Assessment methods (Instruments, criteria and percentages)

Ordinary assessment session

The course consists of two terms. Class attendance is compulsory in both terms. However, a special evaluation system (evaluación única final) is established for students who do not attend classes regularly and are authorised by the Department of Political Science and Administration.

Evaluation System for students attending class (Ordinary Evaluation)

First term assignments are as follows:
• (Theory) Reflective writing: written exercise representing 60% of the firts term grade. The grade for this exercise ranges from 0 to 6.
• (Practice) Press Review: oral presentation of written exercise representing 20% of the firts term grade. The grade for this exercise ranges from 0 to 2.
• (Practice)Participation on the Seminars: oral presentation of written exercise representing 20% of the firts term grade. The grade for this exercise ranges from 0 to 2.
In order to pass the term, students must get a grade equal to or higher than 5 points out of 10, irrespective of whether that result stems from theoretical or practical assigments.

Second term assignments are as follows:
• (Theory) Reflective writing:written exercise representing 60% of the second term grade. The grade for this exercise ranges from 0 to 6.
• (Practice) Press review: oral presentation of written exercise representing 20% of the second term grade. The grade for this exercise ranges from 0 to 2.
• (Practice) Contribution to role play activities: oral presentation of written exercise representing 20% of the second term grade. The grade for this exercise ranges from 0 to 2.
In order to pass the term, students must get a grade equal to or higher than 5 points out of 10, irrespective of whether that result stems from theoretical or practical assigments

If both terms are passed, the final grade will be the average grade obtained in both terms.

Extraordinary assessment session

Evaluation System for students attending class
The conditions for the demonstration of competencies and grading in the extraordinary assessment are the same as in the ordinary assessment.

First term assignments are as follows:
• (Theory) Reflective writing: written exercise representing 60% of the firts term grade. The grade for this exercise ranges from 0 to 6.
• (Practice) Press Review: oral presentation of written exercise representing 20% of the firts term grade. The grade for this exercise ranges from 0 to 2.
• (Practice)Participation on the Seminars: oral presentation of written exercise representing 20% of the firts term grade. The grade for this exercise ranges from 0 to 2.
In order to pass the term, students must get a grade equal to or higher than 5 points out of 10, irrespective of whether that result stems from theoretical or practical assigments.

Second term assignments are as follows:
• (Theory) Reflective writing:written exercise representing 60% of the second term grade. The grade for this exercise ranges from 0 to 6.
• (Practice) Press review: oral presentation of written exercise representing 20% of the second term grade. The grade for this exercise ranges from 0 to 2.
• (Practice) Contribution to role play activities: oral presentation of written exercise representing 20% of the second term grade. The grade for this exercise ranges from 0 to 2.
In order to pass the term, students must get a grade equal to or higher than 5 points out of 10, irrespective of whether that result stems from theoretical or practical assigments

If both terms are passed, the final grade will be the average grade obtained in both terms.

Single final assessment

In order to pass the course, students who do not attend class regularly must pass an exam. The exam consists of a battery of questions related to the political systems of Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya. To prepare for the exam, students should study the recommended readings for each term, which are listed in PRADO.
The test includes four questions. Two refer to the first term and two refer to the second term. In each block, one question will be theoretical and one will be a practical application of the theory. Theoretical questions will have a maximum mark of 3 out of 10. Practical questions will have a maximum mark of 2 out of 10.
To pass the exam, the student must obtain at least 5 points out of 10 in total. The value of the exam is 100% of the final mark.

Additional information

The subject Political Systems of the Maghreb allows the development of skills required for analyst work in NGOs, think tanks and consultancy, among other sectors. To learn more about this subject, we recommend reading the following article:

The University of Granada publishes a guide of career opportunities for all degrees aimed at students. In the following link you can read the Guide to Political Science and Administration. Particularly interesting are the sections: Professional fields, Occupations and Job prospects.
Guide of professional opportunities in Political Science and Administration:

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Oficina de Prevención y Respuesta ante el Acoso de la UGR (OPRA):

Unidad de Igualdad y Conciliación de la UGR: Gabinete Psicopedagógico/

Unidad de Orientación Académica de la UGR:

Servicio de Asistencia Estudiantil de la UGR:

Información de interés para estudiantado con discapacidad y/o Necesidades Específicas de Apoyo Educativo (NEAE): Gestión de servicios y apoyos (