Course guide of Theory of Democracy: Gender and Interculturalism (21211B3)
Departamento de Ciencia Política y de la Administración: 19/06/2024
Departamento de Filosofía del Derecho: 17/06/2024
Grado (bachelor's degree)
Year of study
ECTS Credits
Course type
Teaching staff
- Paula Reyes Cano. Grupo: B
- Rafael Vázquez García. Grupo: A
Timetable for tutorials
Paula Reyes Cano
Email- Tuesday de 18:00 a 19:00 (Despacho 138B Departamento)
- Wednesday de 17:00 a 18:00 (Despacho 138B Departamento)
- Friday de 18:00 a 19:00 (Despacho 138B Departamento)
Rafael Vázquez García
Email- First semester
- Tuesday de 13:00 a 14:00 (Despacho 9 - Planta 3)
- Wednesday
- 09:00 a 11:00 (Despacho 9 - Planta 3)
- 13:00 a 14:00 (Despacho 9 - Planta 3)
- Thursday de 09:00 a 11:00 (Despacho 9 - Planta 3)
- Second semester
- Tuesday de 09:00 a 12:00 (Despacho 9 - Planta 3)
- Thursday de 09:00 a 12:00 (Despacho 9 - Planta 3)
Prerequisites of recommendations
No more legal requirements than those of being enrolled in the subject, although it is preferable to have passed the subject of the Political Theory in 3rd year. An oral and written comprehension of upper-middle English is advised
Brief description of content (According to official validation report)
Contemporary Political Ideologies
Political Thought in Spain and the world
Current political theoretical debates
Theory of Democracy: gender and interculturality
General and specific competences
General competences
- CG01. Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
- CG02. Organizational and planning skills.
- CG03. -
- CG05. Information management skills.
- CG08. Ability to work in a team.
- CG09. Interpersonal relationship skills.
- CG10. Recognition of diversity and multiculturalism.
- CG11. Critical thinking skills.
- CG12. Development of autonomous learning.
- CG13. Adaptation to new situations.
- CG14. Ability to develop creative activities.
- CG15. Leadership skills.
- CG16. Knowledge of other cultures and customs.
- CG18. Motivation for quality.
- CG19. Development of the ability to carry out a process well based on guidelines.
Specific competences
- CE04. Analyze the behavior of political actors and citizens.
- CE06. Identify classical and contemporary political theories.
- CE16. Be interested in current theoretical and methodological debates on the need to move towards more pluralistic, integrative and comprehensive approaches in Political Science and Administration.
- CE17. To acquire a critical and analytical attitude towards political events.
- CE18. To appreciate the importance of collaborating, participating and getting involved in the analysis of political processes, actors and institutions, as a guideline for the improvement of decision making.
- CE19. To foster an open, flexible and understanding attitude towards the complex, dynamic, social and ideological nature of politics and public administrations.
Objectives (Expressed as expected learning outcomes)
• Know the main currents of contemporary political theory related to issues of gender and interculturality.
• Good initial understanding of theories, approaches, interpretations, methods and techniques, acquiring a critical vision and understanding how it affects our present and future.
• Placing new political information in its theoretical / experimental context.
• Relationing the subject with the different disciplinary fields of Political Science and other social sciences.
• To be aware of how the theoretical problems change over time and how this debate is linked to the social, political and cultural reality of current times.
• To know and handle original sources and historical research texts.
Detailed syllabus
Theme 1. Theory of Democracy. A critical approach
Theme 2. Feminist Political Theories and their Contemporay debates
Theme 3. Multiculturalism and Interculturality. Debates on national and ethnic minorities
Theme 4. Globalization and Cosmopolitan Democracy
Theme 5. Crisis of Civilization?: State, Ecology and (Post) Human Democracy
Basic reading list
CUNNINGHAM, F. (2001) Theories of Democracy: A Critical Introduction, Routledge, London.
BRYSON, V. (2003) Feminist Political Theory: An Introduction, Palgrave Macmillan, London
PAREKH, B. (2005) Rethinking Multiculturalism: Cultural Diversity and Political Theory, Cambridge, Harvard Unievrsity Press.
NUSSBAUM, M. (2002) (coord.) For Love of Country?Debating the Limits of Patriotism, Beacon Press, Boston.
DONALSON, S. (2013) Zoopolis: A Political Theory of Animal Rights, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Complementary reading
- ANDERSON, Benedict (1983): Imagined Communities, Verso Editions and NLB, London.
- BENHABIB, Seyla (1991): Feminismo y posmodernidad: una difícil alianza, copia mimeografiada.
- (1992): Situating the Self, Routledge, New York.
- (1996): Democray and difference: Constesting the Boundaries of the Political, Princeton University Pree, Princeton, NJ.
- BUTLER, Judith (1991): Fundamentos contingentes: el feminismo y la cuestión de la "posmodernidad", copia mimeografiada.
- (1992): "Problemas de los géneros, teoría feminista y discurso psicoanalítico", en NICHOLSON, Linda J. (1992): Feminismo/Posmodernismo, Feminaria Editora, Buenos Aires.
- CAMPBELL, David (1992): Writing Security, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.
- CASTELLS, Carme (comp.) (1996): Perspectivas feministas en teoría política, Paidós, Barcelona.
- FLAX, Jane (1995): Psicoanálisis y feminismo. Pensamientos fragmentarios, Cátedra, Madrid.
- FRASER, Nancy (1991): Falsas antítesis: una respuesta a S. Benhabib y J. Butler, copia mimeografiada.
- (1996): "Redistribución y reconocimiento: hacia una visisón integrada de justicia del género", Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política, nº 8, U.N.E.D. y U.A.M., Madrid.
- GELLNER, Ernest (1988): Naciones y nacionalismo, Alianza, Madrid.
- HARAWAY, Donna (1991): Ciencia, cyborgs y mujeres, Cátedra, Madrid.
- HELD, David (1997): La democracia y el orden global. Del Estado moderno al gobierno cosmopolita, Paidós, Barcelona.
- (1997): "Ciudadanía y pluralismo", La Política nº 3, Paidós, Barcelona.
- KYMLICKA, Will (1996): "Derechos individuales y derechos de grupo en la democracia liberal", Isegoría nº 14, C.S.I.C., Madrid.
- KYMLICKA, Will y NORMAN, Wayne (1997): "El retorno del ciudadano", La Política nº 3, Paidós. Barcelona
- MILLER, David (1997): Sobre el nacionalismo, Paidós, Barcelona.
- NICHOLSON, Linda y FRASER, Nancy (1992): "Crítica social sin filosofía: un encuentro entre el feminismo y el posmodernismo", en NICHOLSON, Linda J. (1992).
- PAREKH, Bhikhu (2005): Repensando el multiculturalismo, Ed. Istmo, Madrid.
- PATEMAN, Carole (1996): "Críticas feministas a la dicotomía público/privado", en CASTELLS, Carme (comp.) (1996).
- PHILIPS, Anne (1991): Engendering Democracy, The Pensylvania State University Press, Pensylvania.
- POOLE, Ross (1993): Moralidad y modernidad. El porvenir de la ética, Herder, Barcelona.
- REQUEJO, Ferrán (1996): "Pluralismo, democracia y federalismo. Una revisión de la ciudadanía democrática en Estados plurinacionales", Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política nº 7, U.N.E.D. y U.A.M., Madrid.
- SEDGWICK, Eve K. (1998): Epistemología del armario, ediciones La Tempestad, Barcelona.
- TAGUIEFF, Pierre A. (1995): "Las metamorfosis ideológicas del Racismo y la crisis del antirracismo", en ALVITE, Juan P. (comp.) (1995): Racismo, antirracismo e inmigración, Tercera Prensa, Donosti.
- TAMIR, Yael (1993): Liberal Nationalism, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.
- TAYLOR, Charles (1993): La ética de la autenticidad, Paidós, Barcelona.
- (1993) "¿Qué principio de identidad colectiva?", La Política nº 3, Paidós, Barcelona.
- (1997): Argumentos filosóficos, Paidós, Barcelona.
- TODOROV, Tzvetan (1991): Nosotros y los otros, Siglo XXI, México.
- URIA, Paloma (1992): "Igualdad y diferencia en la historia del pensamiento feminista", en Revista Viento Sur, nº 4, Madrid.
- WALZER, Michael (1996): "La política de la diferencia: estatalidad y tolerancia en un mundo multicultural", Isegoría, nº 14, C.S.I.C., Madrid.
- YOUNG, Iris Marion (1990): "Imparcialidad y lo cívico público. Algunas implicaciones de las críticas feministas a la teoría moral y política", en BENHABIB, Seyla y CORNELL, Drucilla (eds.) (1992).
- (1996): "Vida política y diferencia de grupo: una crítica del ideal de ciudadanía universal", en CASTELLS, Carme (1996).
Recommended links
The Journal of Ethics: An International Philosophical Review
Theoria. A Journal of Social and Political Theory
Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política
Revista Internacional de Pensamiento Político
Foro Interno
Revista de Estudios Políticos
Political Theory
European Journal of Political Theory
The Journal of Political Philosophy
Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política
Contemporary Political Theory
Journal of International Political Theory
Studies in Social and Political Thought
Journal of Social and Political Thought
New Left Review
European Journal of Political Theory
Teaching methods
- MD01. Lección magistral/expositiva
- MD02. Sesiones de discusión y debate
- MD07. Seminarios
- MD08. Ejercicios de simulación
- MD09. Análisis de fuentes y documentos
- MD10. Realización de trabajos en grupo
- MD11. Realización de trabajos individuales
Assessment methods (Instruments, criteria and percentages)
Ordinary assessment session
For the development of the teaching-learning process, different pedagogical actions will be developed that will allow the students to acquire the programmed competences. The theoretical classes will allow the teacher-student interaction to inform students of the competences and content of the subjects and show their concepts and fundamental theories. The students will develop fundamentally cognitive skills, of great importance so that they begin to develop their Individual and group work, which will be reviewed and structured for a correct orientation of its development in the time allocated to practical classes, supervised works and tutorials. Through these activities will acquire, above all, instrumental skills. The seminars, group work and individual students assignments will revert in the development of generic and attitudinal competences that permeate the entire teaching-learning process. With this, the teaching-learning process will be an active and significant process. The debates raised in classes, seminars and group work will allow students to be active and protagonist of their own learning process.
- Final test based on the theoretical and practical content: 70% of the final grade.
- Individual and in groups assignments. Short comments on articles, videos or other documents: 30% of the final grade
Extraordinary assessment session
For the development of the teaching-learning process, different pedagogical actions will be developed that will allow the students to acquire the programmed competences. The theoretical classes will allow the teacher-student interaction to inform students of the competences and content of the subjects and show their concepts and fundamental theories. With this, the students will develop fundamentally cognitive skills, of great importance so that they begin to develop their Individual and group work, which will be reviewed and structured for a correct orientation of its development in the time allocated to practical classes, supervised works and tutorials. Through these activities will acquire, above all, instrumental skills. The seminars, group work and individual students assignments will revert in the development of generic and attitudinal competences that permeate the entire teaching-learning process. With this, the teaching-learning process will be an active and significant process. The debates raised in classes, seminars and group work will allow students to be active and protagonist of their own learning process.
- Final test based on the theoretical and practical content: 70% of the final grade.
- Individual assignments. Short comments on articles, videos or other documents: 30% of the final grade
Single final assessment
In the cases of a single final evaluation contemplated by the Evaluation and Qualification Standards of the students of the University of Granada (approved in extraordinary session of the Government Council of May 20, 2013), it may include a proof to ensure that the student has acquired all the competences described in this Teaching Guide, an end that -in his case- will be specified in the Teaching Guide of the subject (Please, contact the lecturer for this case)
Additional information
It is forbidden to plagiarize or copy in documents submitted for evaluation. The students are obliged to observe the elementary rules on the authenticity of the exercises of evaluation and privacy of the same.
Any infraction in this sense will void any right that these rules recognize the student and, in accordance with current legislation, may result in the opening of the file and the corresponding penalty. (Regulation of teaching planning and the organization of examinations of the University of Granada: Title IV, Chapter I, Article 29).
STUDENTS ORIENTATION AND ASSISTANCE: UGR Office for Prevention and Response to Harassment (OPRA): -response-harassment Unit of Equality and Conciliation of the UGR: Gabinete Psicopedagogico/Unit of Academic Guidance of the UGR: -y-unidades/orientacion UGR Student Assistance Service:
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